Family Fun Day

Come and join the Ardeer and Sunshine West Community and show your support for putting the powerlines underground. Sunday 7th November 1pm, Ardeer Community Park, Forrest St. Click here for more information.


Sanctuary Lakes Club

Tim Pallas arrived at the Sancutuary Lakes Resort to talk roads with local business people. You can buy time to chat to Tim it seems, but he isn't listening to ordinary residents who say they dont want roads, they want public transport!


Powercor: do the right thing

Residents from Ardeer and Sunshine West gathered this morning at Ardeer Station to travel to Parliament House to protest against high Voltage powerlines throught their suburb.

Geraldine had this to say at the rally: I am here today because, like you, I care about our neighbourhood and the future of our children. I want our government to listen and make powercor put the powerlines underground. And I want them to sort out how it is going to be paid for without expecting our community to pay for it

When powercor started to put up high voltage powerpoles through our neighbourhood without consulting us. They showed contempt for the impact on our families, and they gave no thought to the health of our children and the eyesore they were creating

They have thought only about the cheapest and most convenient construction method for themselves

Unfortunately when Powercor came back to us last week with a proposal to put the lines underground after we told them we would not accept their overhead powerlines, instead of being an offer in good faith, it seems it was a proposal full of deceit.

It sounds grand. $2million. But there is a catch…there is a $900,000 shortfall, making it worthless if the money can't be found somewhere.

This makes us ask: is this really a genuine offer to put the power lines underground, or is this a plan cooked up by the government and powercor to buy us off and make us think we are getting a good deal so that the embarrassing problem of us go away before the election

This government needs to listen because while it was the Kennet liberal government that sold the SEC for a quick buck, Brumby was part of the opposition that did nothing to fight it, so instead of the electricity company being owned by us , accountable to us, and acting in our best interests, we now have a multinational conglomerate who is answerable first and last to their shareholders

This multinational group that now owns Powercor ,Cheong Kong, posted a ½ yearly profit of over $1600 million this year. They can well afford to do the right thing

Our community want s these powerlines and any others planned for our area put underground. And we want this done at no cost to our council or our community.


Derrimut Benefit Gig

What a wonderful afternoon! about 50 friends and supporters turned up to enjoy a relaxing afternoon of great music and great company.

Many Thanks to everyone.
Support Sunvale

Rally Saturday 9th November

The sunvale primary school is an ideal location for a community ccentre, park and recreation for the Sunshine Community. Brimbank Council's own open space strategy identifies a lack of open space in this part of the municipality and yet encourages an increasing population through increased housing density. if we are to suport a growing population we need facilities and services to support this.

Sunshine has amongst the highest unemployment in Victoria at over 10%, we have growing rates of obesity, diabetes, mental illness and other chronic health issues which desperately need addressing. If the state government is serious about tackling these health issues a preventative health approach must be taken and more investment needs to be made in parks, recreation spaces, as well as better access to local community health services and places that our community can get together to talk to one another.