Greens candidate Geraldine Brooks elected on 27% of the primary vote!
Geraldine Brooks has been elected as councillor on Brimbank City Council. She was elected in November 2008 to serve the community of Harvester Ward. Geraldine is endorsed by the Brimbank Branch of The Greens. You can learn more about the policies of The Greens at
Geraldine is a qualified Podiatrist, with post graduate qualifications in Public Health and has spent most of her working life in community health services in Melbourne’s West. She is currently on leave from Sunshine Hospital caring for her 3 young children and lives in Ardeer.
Geraldine cares passionately about the local community she lives in, and is committed to the delivery of parks and quality open space, community engagement, public transport, cycling and walking, preventative health, arts and culture, support for new and emerging communities, social justice and environmentally sustainable planning.
Geraldine is a breastfeeding Counsellor with the Australian Breastfeeding Association Brimbank group, president of the Ardeer Community Playground Committee, a member of the Brimbank Transport Action Group, and a member of the Friends of Kororoit Creek. Geraldine values the role local government can play in strengthening communities and providing a high quality, liveable environment for residents and visitors.