Family Fun Day

Come and join the Ardeer and Sunshine West Community and show your support for putting the powerlines underground. Sunday 7th November 1pm, Ardeer Community Park, Forrest St. Click here for more information.


Important issues in Derrimut

Derrimut is transforming rapidly, with the residential population to at least double in the next decade in some areas. I will work with our community to act on important issues that affect them.

I believe action on the following issues will bring cohesiveness, and increase civic participation and democracy that has been corroded by Derrimut’s apathetic Labor representatives.

Climate Change and Peak Oil – I will work to ensure Victoria’s greenhouse emissions reduce, to make low or zero carbon living and business practices easy and for the duplication of services so that residents have services in their immediate local area that they can walk or cycle to. We must have policies that challenge growth centred theories and replace them with humane and sustainable societies.

Income Inequality – Despite unprecedented levels of wealth in Victoria, poverty and hunger are increasing. The gap between the rich and the poor is increasing and this increasing inequality in wealth within society leads to an increase in health and other inequities. Globalisation and privatisation mean that now a small number of corporations control most of Victoria’s economy. Governments have a fundamental responsibility to ensure universal access to quality health care, education and other social services according to people’s needs, not according to their ability to pay.

Water use – I will work to improve our water efficiency, encourage local food production, switching to water saving devices and practices such as urban permaculture. I do not support expensive and energy intensive proposals such as desalination and piping water from far a way locations while inexpensive and sustainable solutions are clearly available.

Public Transport - I will lobby for increased investment in walking and cycling, improvement to rail and bus services, including the electrification of the Ballarat line, changing Ardeer and Deer Park to zone one stations, and increased frequency of services and better timetabling that will properly connect existing services. I will also work to reorient spending from freeways and tollways to public transport and parks.

Gambling –has devastating effects on our community members, and is a huge source of profit for unscrupulous vendors. I will work to remove all EGM’s and ATM’s from gambling venues and highlight the profits that Woolworths and sporting clubs are making at the expense of our residents health and wellbeing.

Protection of biodiversity - Brimbank is home to the unique Western Plains, one of Australia’s most threatened ecosystems. I will support strategies to reverse the decline of natural biodiversity and allow locally indigenous plants and animals to survive and flourish. I do not support the extension of the urban growth boundary.

Young People – I will work to provide opportunities for young people to participate in decisions that affect them.

Democratic process – I will work toward fairer more accessible state government, with real opportunities for participation and decision making.

Housing affordability - I will lobby for increased affordable and quality community and public housing as the only real method of addressing issues of housing affordability.