Family Fun Day

Come and join the Ardeer and Sunshine West Community and show your support for putting the powerlines underground. Sunday 7th November 1pm, Ardeer Community Park, Forrest St. Click here for more information.


Greens Media Release – Monday May 24, 2010
Brumby Betrays Melbourne with East/West Tunnel
New documents uncovered by Greens MP Greg Barber last week show The Brumby Government is still planning to build the controversial East/West Tunnel, despite local campaigners defeating the project last year.
“The Brumby Government is betraying the people of Melbourne by continuing with the unnecessary East/West Tunnel after they had let us think we had got rid of it,” said Melbourne Greens candidate Brian Walters today.
“Several parks are at risk if this project is allowed to go ahead, and it will do nothing to solve the real transport problems of our city.
“The Greens know, the people of Melbourne know, and independent experts know, that this money should go towards improving public transport, not towards expensive, ineffective roads.”
Independent expert Professor Peter Newman, who is on the advisory council of the federal government's Infrastructure Australia fund, said there is no longer a strong case for funding ''incredibly expensive road projects''.
''The reason we gave $4.6 billion to urban rail projects was that it was economically the best option,'' Professor Newman said, adding that car use in Australian cities has declined in the past five years.
''This is an historic point: after going up every year for 100 years, it has spent five years going down. The reality is that public transport is going gangbusters.''


New report backs Greens carbon tax

Greens candidate for Derrimut Geraldine Brooks has welcomed a report from the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) that shows The Greens backed tax on carbon is good for local economies like the Latrobe Valley.
“The Greens carbon tax is a jobs creation policy,” said Ms Brooks. “The Creating Jobs – Cutting Pollution report confirms that putting a price on pollution is good for jobs, good for the economy, and good for locals.”

“Reports like this show why major unions such as the ETU and the CFMEU are now openly supporting the Greens ahead of Labor in the Senate.

“The Greens are the only political party listening to our top economists like Ross Garnaut and Nicholas Stern, who know a price on carbon is the only way to ensure our economy survives the transition to a new economy.

“The Government's shelved ETS, without the proposed Greens amendments, would have locked in failure and sent millions of dollars offshore instead of investing in local job-creating, renewable energy.”


From the media

I am extremely disturbed by the allegations of Labor branch stacking in the West and I hope that the truth comes out with a truly independent investigation. See today's report in the Australian and the Age

It is very important that our parliamentarians focus on our community and act in the interests of our community. We deserve representatives who act on the issues that are important to us such as:

Funding for high quality public housing to address housing affordability.

High quality parks and playgrounds for all residents within walking distance of their homes

Redirecting roads funding to fast, frequent train and bus services: NO Westlink. We want funding to support walking and cycling and bring public transport back in to public hands.

A focus on universal primary preventative health services for all to address the epidemic rates of obesity and chronic illness in the West.

Saying no to the Barro tip and yes to genuine community consultation over planning and development


Park Meeting - this Saturday 15th May

Larissa Reserve St ALbans


Many St Albans residents have been waiting years for a safe level crossing, decent public transport and attractive streetscapes.
We must have a Government-led plan to provide:
- Efficient, high frequency public transport
- A safe level crossing
- Attractive, vibrant local shopping areas
- More high quality open spaces (multi-use – parks, places for kids to hang out, attractive streetscapes, community gardens)
- Sustainable housing design
- Locally accessible Govt-funded services for families (community health centres, schools, childcare centres etc).
We need to initiate more community input into these issues. If you would like to discuss parks, public transport, housing density or any other state government issue please come along to Larissa Reserve, St Albans, Saturday 15th May between 10 and 11am.

Community Meeting
Monday 24th May 2010

Are you concerned about the high voltage power lines in Ridgeway Parade?
Are you concerned about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation?
Powercor is putting 66000 Volt power lines through your neighbourhood without consulting you.
These power lines are going through your neighbourhood to provide power to industry on the other side of the ring road.
Electromagnetic radiation from these lines can cause serious health effects.
These lines are close to people’s houses and a kindergarten and yet Powercor will not put them underground saying it doesn’t want to pay.
When: Monday 24th May 6:30pm

Where: Ridgeway Pde Kindergarten


Park Meeting


I went out to Cairnlea today to meet residents and talk about local issues.


whats in the media...

see link to article on this issue

I attended the packed meeting in St Albans tonight to discuss an application by the Barro Group to build a tip on the site they currently use part of for a concrete batching plant.

The residents said loud and clear they do not want a tip

While Barro was trying to convince the community that it would be ok, our ocmmunity are sick and tired of being told for years that 'is alright' when it patently isn't. The site, which is next to the Maribyrnong River should never have been allowed by council to become a quarry and now that it is having (and has had) a detrimental effect on the residents for so long, its operations should be closed down immediately. The remediation of the site should begin as soon as possible to create a green area in keeping with appropriate activity on the river valley. Given the erosion that is occurring, the whole site should be replanted as it would have been before the quarrying began as a matter of urgency.


Budget Response

“John Brumby’s Bandaid Budget”

This is John Brumby’s bandaid budget. We have a crisis in transport, a crisis in water, a climate crisis, a housing crisis and a preventable disease crisis (including drugs and alcohol). This budget treats the symptoms, but it ignores the causes of the crisis.

The Greens want to get to the root of our state’s problems.

Australia has one of the highest rates of hospitalisation in the world because budgets like this continue to prioritise end-of-the-road treatment, rather than preventative health.

What is The Greens solution?
The Greens know that the healthier we are the less we need to go to hospital, which is why we want more money for community health centres. Community health centres work because they're a convenient one stop shop of nurses, dieticians, GPs etc. They’re essential to keeping people out of hospital.

Climate Change
Kevin Rudd has walked away from the climate change challenge, but John Brumby is the one in charge of most of our state’s emissions. Brumby has not tackled faced the climate facts in this budget, except in the most tokenistic way.

What is The Greens solution?
The Greens would implement a plan to close Hazelwood power station ASAP and we would make up the energy shortfall by reducing energy use and using renewable energy sources.

The government now spends nearly a third of a billion dollars on concessions for low income people who cannot afford their water and energy bills - that makes it one of the fastest growing cost areas in the budget. Why is this cost skyrocketing? Because water and energy bills are skyrocketing. This budget does little to address that.

What is The Greens solution?
The Greens know the smart solution is to provide a water and energy conservation program for low income households. That program will save low income households money, it will save the budget money, and environmentally, it just makes sense.

We are still the lowest spending Australian state on education. The Brumby Government is short changing our children’s futures. Victorian parents make their child’s education their number one priority – why doesn’t the government honour that commitment?

What is the Greens solution?
The Victorian Government needs to spend an extra billion dollars in every budget from now on to match the other states on education spending. The Greens want to see that happen. We want to reduce class sizes to cater for the needs of high achievers, students with special needs, and indigenous children.

Public Transport
The government is paying more than ever for privatised train services even though Metro Trains are failing on their targets. We're only getting 2.5% more train services, despite the budget predicting 4% more passengers. Where will they fit?

What is The Greens solution?
The Greens would put our trains back in public hands so that it can be planned and run efficiently. We want to create a service that runs 24 hours, so that the people of Victoria will never have to wait longer than 10 minutes to get where they need to go in peak times.


Park Meeting - Brimbank Gardens
I have been conducting a series of park meetings to talk to local residents about the issues that effect them.

The old expression 'think global, act local' has never been more relevant if we are to address what I think is the challenge, not of this next parliamentary term, nor even the next decade, but the remainder of this century. I want State Government to do more, faster on climate change, and to help Derrimut residents do the same. I think tackling this issue also has the capacity to create local initiatives that build neighbourliness and caring for each other as well as the environment.
Many Brimbank Gardens residents moved into the area attracted by the low density of housing. The caveat has now expired and the developer is now subdividing lots. Melbourne needs high density living, but there is currently no plan to make it liveable.

We must have a Government-led plan to provide:
- Efficient, high frequency public transport
- More high quality open spaces (multi-use – parks, places for kids to hang out, attractive streetscapes, community gardens)
- Sustainable housing design
- Locally accessible Govt-funded services for families (community health centres, schools, childcare centres etc).
We need to initiate more community input into these issues.